Highlights from the January 9, 2024 Luncheon
PBA meeting 01/09/2024
Welcome: Made by Erin Rayner, Past President who was covering for Grant Wetmore, PBA President.
Erin thanked our sponsors, introduced special guests: Mayor Stan Milan, Town Mgr. Rick Bremseth & Councilmember Caleb Stoutz, reminder about our scholarship fund & introduced the 2024 Officers & Board members present.
PBA Event updates: Provided by Beth Goldsmith
More updates coming to our events calendar in the next week or so as we finalize some venues & sponsors.
February meeting: Networking. March meeting: Mayor Milan.
Communications updates: Provided by Stephen Grant
Reminder about updates needed for the website and to expect an email as we have several member logos missing as well as outdated information. In the process of updating the calendar.
Membership updates: Provided by Jason Sengpiehl
Jason introduced some guests & new members: BarnWiz, Jill Turgeon, Jess Harold Interior Designer, Chris Bullard – BCT, Tom Payne – Dogtopia, Janet Reed – Boulder Crest.
Town of Purcellville updates: Reyner’s Recap
3 public hearings coming up: 690/7 interchange, leasing ULY, Pullen house sale. Proclamations to former town council members and finance.
January Spotlight Speaker: Ken Spellman – Purcellville Lions Club
Ken spoke about his background and family running Trowbridge Steel for years. Lions Club meets on the 4th Thursday at 6pm. Lions Club has an annual Golf Tournament that helps to support their Annual Scholarships.
January Speaker: Supervisor Caleb Kershner – Catoctin District update:
-History: currently lives outside Hamilton, wife, 6 boys age 11U, lawyer, GMU, Antonin Scalia Law School (interesting history about the original name of the law school) , former prosecutor, former dairyman.
-New boundaries for District to include 5 of Loudoun County’s 7 towns.
-Less Govt is better, when Govt is necessary it needs to be within control. How will this impact our community?
-Four main areas: 1. Broadband to western Loudoun. 2. Rt. 15 Road project. 3. Zoning ordinance rewrite. 4. Agri.
Over taxation, Equalized rates, Budget review are some areas of focus moving forward. Data centers: help keep the tax rate lower, do not belong in western Loudoun. Supports Equine industry growth and is working on support for an Equine/Agricultural Center.
Supervisor Kershner had some great follow up questions from the audience.
Next Luncheon: February 13, 2024 – Networking
February Spotlight speaker: Vladimir Georgiev with KZMMA